Trans-Atlantic Flights Llc (TAF)., is a subsidiary of Trans-Atlantic Llc., established in 2004 to handle the aviation part of the parent company.

“TAF first project” was based on providing the entire charter operation between Iceland and Denmark in relation to a joint building project in the eastern region of Iceland by the Italian company Impregilo S.p.A. and the Icelandic Government . This included the set up, organizing, supplying aircraft and supervision of the entire transportation for their working force traveling to and from Iceland. This flight operation was conducted from 2005 until 2009 with the use of B737-300, 400 and 500 series aircraft as well as Airbus A319, 320 and 321 with a total volume of more than 35.000 seats. Since then TAA has operated on charter flights in Iceland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, US and other countries.

The policy of TAF has been focused on minimizing all overhead costs for the company in order to provide the best possible solutions at all times  to our clients in relation to air transportation of passengers and cargo. Furthermore TAA provides assistance for various leasing on variety of aircraft

TAF has a number of highly experienced personnel in aviation and the travel industry which are dedicated to provide excellence in service to all our clients.

We feel certain that TAF can become a beneficial affiliate and partner to your current company structure and business and we look forward to being able to present our formal offer of a variety of services to you at best possible terms and prices.

On behalf of the TAF team

Yours sincerely,
Egill Örn Arnarson Hansen
Chief Executive Officer

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